Saturday, January 14, 2012

Public Health Measures that Impacts Children's Development "BREASTFEEDING". 

Breast milk is the perfect food for your baby. It is filled with the vitamins and nutritients that your baby needs to grow and be healthy. It builds your baby's immune system and help the brain develop. Breast milk is easier to digest than formula, less vomiting and diarrhea, and will adjust to the baby's needs as your baby grows. Breastfeeding is good for your baby's mouth and facial muscles, the child will have better teeth in the future. Breastfeed babies are less likly to have asthma, ear infection, allergies, diabetes and are less likly to become obese. It also helps the mother body to recover from pregnancy and labor by shrinking your uterus back to size and reducing any bleeding after childbirth. It burns about 500 calories a day, so it help you to lose weight more easily. It lower the risk of ovarian cancer and breast cancer, and it may help to ward of depression. It saves time and money, unlike formula, breast milk is always the right temperature, and requires no bottles to wash and sterilize. So why women would not perfer to breatfeed over using formula. Is because that some hospital do not encourage breastfeeding.

This is very meanigful to me because, at the local hospitals they do not encourage the women to breastfeed, instead they encourage them not to. The medical staff at these hospital does not have to do anything as to assisting the babies to latch on to the mother breast. The program that I work with we go into these hospital and assist the mothers who have chosen to breastfeed along with the Department of Health. There was the young lady who knew that she were going to breastfeed, and inform the medical staff when she went to deliver to not give her baby a bottle, they gave the infant a bottle anyway. The Lactation specialist had to tell them that it's impairative to not give formula if the mother is insisting that she will breastfeed.

In New Zealand mothers initiate breastfeeding in hospital, but many continue for only a relatively short time. Focus group discussions with mothers and health care workers on their perceptions of important factors influencing the duration of breastfeeding indicated many negative initial hospital experiences. Specific concerns included overworked staff; lack of health care workers' skills, particularly in helping infants to latch on; inconsistent advice; noise and embarrassment in four bedded rooms; and the impact of changes in the provision of maternity services and funding. of maternity services and funding.


  1. Gloria,

    Even though I didn't breastfeed my children, I do feel that breast milk is the best milk for a baby. Breast milk is good for your baby's immune system. I am planning on having another child and my first choice is to breast feed my child. I will be using the link to learn more in to the affects of breast milk versus formula.

  2. Hi Gloria,
    I have not had any children yet, but it was fun to read your post. I know that in China, mothers prefer to breast feed their children, as they believe it is the best way to feed the baby and also it is a good opportunity to communicate with their babies. They take it as an opportunity to build the close or secure relationship between babies and themselves. I do not know whether the breast milk is the best milk for babies, but I do believe breast feeding has its advantage at building the relationship between moms and babies.
    Thank you for sharing.

    1. I enjoyed your post on Breastfeeding, I also did Breastfeeding for Public Health. I want to include all the benefits on my Blog too. You listed a lot. I think Public Health should put out a web page (or Public Health poster) specific to all the benefits of breastfeeding. Out of all the fun times and enjoyable things that I have done in my lifetime could include Breastfeeding. It came so natural to me and for that I am truly grateful. La Leche League (listed on my blog) would probably have had a very negative impression of that hospital that gave the newborn baby the bottle when it was instructed to give the baby to the mother for breastfeeding. The first milk is very important for the immune system along with bonding and the mother experiencing engorged breast full of breast milk. My son was brought to me hours after my Cesarean and my breast were full with milk~it was the most awful feeling, yet when my baby latched on~a huge release was experienced by me and possibly the baby.

  3. Hi, What an interesting debate. There is one about breast feeding exposer on Seamee Street"via PBS.
    This is a natural part of motherhood. Evidence you presented, indicates the most benefit for the child. I do not understand why some complain about this issue.
    Why in a developed country would we as a society give mothers' such grief for providing the best care for their child?

  4. Breastfeeding is a topic for discussion. I did it with all three of my children. I didn't do it long but for at least 3 weeks. I agree how good it can be for infants. Before I made this choice I attended some classes on breastfeeding that was offered by the hospital. They provided alot of information and the hospital encouraged new mothers to breastfeed. It is good for the infants especially having twins and one only weighing 4lbs. by breastfeeding I was able to provide him with some good nutrients that he wouldn't have gotten with formula. Yes, it is a natural process of motherhood.

  5. Breastfeeding is the best choice for infant nutrition. Howeve, the mother most eat healthy and drink plenty of water to produce the breast milk. If the mother does not eat healthy than the breast milk will not be beneficial for the infant. it is a shame that the nurses at the hospital does not encourage mother's to breast feed. I breast fed my younger children until they were six months of age.
