Saturday, January 28, 2012

I can not recall a situation where I witness any thing that's in the catergory in the assignment, but as I was  listenen to the Rev. Allen Bailey preach a sermon about, "Without a Faimly there is no Home".

     There is a vast difference between a house and a home. A house is where people live and do not no what a home is. A home is a place where a father and mother and their children live together in faith, hope, and love. There are approximately seven millions children come home to a house in which no adult is present at the end of their school day. We can not blame it on the working aother of the home. How about the fathers of the home? Too many children are born into the world out off wedlock. A married couple usually sits down and plans for the upcoming of children. They ask themselves, how many are we planninig to have, and can we afford them.
      A child that is not trained to know right from wrong is headed on the average to a poor and hard life. Family and faith have been part of the training that has gone into the life of a child. When any child see that the family is demonstrating by daily example of faith that teaches good manner, truthfulness, honesty, friendliness, and the love of good, that child is going to make it in life regardless of the circumstances.
     A child's bedrock of strength and security is found first in the home as he listens and participate in Bible reading, prayers and grace at the table befor meals. As Psalm 107:1 says," Give thanks to the lord, for he is good; his steadfast love endures forever.

The Effects of a Single Parent Home on a Child's Behaviorthumbnail
Children behave differently growing up in a single-parent environment than in a traditional two-parent family. The Kids Health website states that there are more than 20 million single parents in the United States. Kids growing up in a single-family home may experience stronger emotions such as anger, anxiety or sadness. If undetected, these emotions can affect a child's behavior further, resulting in poor grades, aggressiveness, social withdrawal and social problems.
     Children in single-parent homes may have problems expressing their feelings verbally, and may have sudden outbursts of anger or anxiety. According to U.S. Census Bureau, the absence of one parent may increase the risk of your child developing depression, stress, anxiety and aggression. There are many ways to help your child with these emotions. You can talk with him directly, seek counseling as a family or have your child speak one-on-one with a counselor.


  1. You are right a married couple usually sits down and plans for the upcoming of children. Because single home families have a lot of problems. There are a lot of kids in counseling now.

  2. I agree that children should be planned for a two parent household but nowadays it is not like that. We have teen pregnancies, and both single moms and single dads. Most children that come from two parent household are a little more in line with their behaviors but you havr those that still have a tendency to act out, as well in the single parent homes. It all depends on how much time a parent spends with their children.
