Saturday, March 2, 2013

Diversity, Developing and Learning

What I have learned?

One hope that I have for children and their families who are of diverse mean from the community. Is that for the child and the family to know that they are entering into a classroom with a learning community that will have their culture as well as other cultures?

One goal that I have is to continue my journey of learning as to anti- bias as I go through life into the early childhood field. As I have studied and learned that by developing my own anti- bias is something that I will need throughout my life. It is an ongoing process as to our own anti-bias and how we react to others.

I want to thank each of my colleagues whom have giving me much great comments and insights throughout this course. I wish all of you great success in the coming months, and throughout our learning experiences seeking our Master’s degree.  Good Luck to you all!



  1. Hi Gloria,
    Thank you for sharing your insights and stories in the course. As you stated that this course is not the end of our growth as an anti-bias teacher, it is the start for us. We still have a long journey to take in the battle of fighting for the rights f children. Children should be proud of who they are, and that is my hope and one of my goals to make children have no hesitation to share their skin colors.

  2. Hi Gloria, your post is the heart of our learning. Once a child's culture is reflected in the classroom, they will enter with a feeling of self-worth. Imagine, they will feel that they are important enough to be represented in their classroom, a place where they will spend a good portion of their week. We need to advocate for this to happen.
    Thank you for sharing so much of yourself. Personally, I have learned so much from your posts and your blogs. Your passion and knowledge are so strong. I hope that we can continue the journey together in our next class... we're almost at the end of this amazing rainbow; I wish you only happiness.

  3. Community plays a big part in a child's culture. Children can learn from the community as well. Thanks for sharing your ideas and stories throughout the course.Take care...
