Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Thanks everyone for your support during the past eight weeks.

Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts, wisdom, your goals and accomplishments. I have had a great journey of support through Walden University Interconnectors, the resources and you all, my colleagues. Thanks to the professor who have given me the rights and wrongs throughout these past eight weeks. I look forward to continuing my professional growth in the early childhood field. Hope that some of us will communicate in other classes.


  1. Congratulation, we have completed a course in early childhood education. I thank you for the support, advice, and comments that you have provided throughout my blogs. The comments were very thoughtful and helpful throughout the course. As we continue to embark on our journey as an educator, I hope that you continue to view my blogs and stay in touch as I will do the same. We are the voice for our young children and families so lets speak out and make it happen. The success is yours!

  2. Gloria.
    Thank you for your contributions in the class. I wish you well as you pursue your education and reach all your professional and personal goals. I appreciated getting to know you. I can't believe 8 weeks have gone by so quickly. Pehaps we'll meet again in future classes.
    Best wishes to you !!

  3. Gloria, Thank you for following my blog and your words of encouragement. I too hope that we will meet again in future classes during our Walden's journey.

  4. I have enjoyed our tenure in the class and look forward towards expanding on my knowledge of children and families in the field of early Childhood Education through your posts and future discussions. My hopes for you, are that you continue to utilize all the resources provided for you, and continue to encourage and motivate your fellow co workers to get involved and take a stand on behalf of children and their rights. Much success to you!
