Saturday, April 6, 2013

Evaluating Impacts on Professional Practice

Some consequences children and their families my experience while I, myself may be experiencing some racism in my person life.  I think that the issue is not whether people experience racism, but how they experience it. Clearly racial issues are in the forefront of our minds, but what about our understanding of race, and does our understanding affect our behavior? I think that racism is an especially challenging social issue because, it calls into question the way each of us experiences the world", racism.  Even though many parents believe their children are oblivious to racial differences, I believe that they can see the difference.  For example, children are not color blind; they recognize differences.  As I have learned through this course children develop racial attitudes based on their observations of their parents, teachers and society in general.  Discussions about race do change attitudes, I would try to encourages parents to begin talking honestly with their children about racial issues.



  1. Hi Gloria,
    Children experience racial differences everyday in life and are faced with new and unfamiliar differences. Racism does still exist and to have this issue in the classroom when help you to be the professional individual that you are. Through your learning experience you have learned how to educated children of their differences and help the parents as well to understand that we except all differences and no one is singled out at any time. You want to teach children about the different national origin and biases.

  2. Hi Gloria,

    I agree with you that racism is a big part of children's life and I absolutely agree with you when you said "the issue is not whether people experience racism, but how they experience it." People have different values and understandings about cultures, diversity, and racism when they are raised in their families. What we can do is to try to help children understand people's differences and recognize and respect each other. I also do a lot of discussions during teachable moments, when I catch any biased issues in the classroom. Thank you for sharing.

