June 12, 2012
Breaking News: Senate Appropriations Subcommittee
Approves Increases for Early Learning Programs
June 12, 2012

Today, the Senate Labor, HHS, and Appropriations Subcommittee approved it’s version of the FY2013 Labor, HHS, and Education Appropriations bill. Funding is tight, but the panel included the following increases for early learning:

Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) —The bill includes $2.4 billion, a $160 million increase, for CCDBG. Of this increase, $90 million is targeted to improving the quality of the early childhood workforce and will support training, education, and other professional development opportunities. The remaining $70 million will be used to increase the number of families served, subsidy rates, and reimbursement rates to providers.

Head Start —The bill includes $8.039 billion, a $70 million increase, for Head Start.

Race to the Top —The bill includes $600 million, a $51 million increase, for the Race to the Top education reform program. A significant portion of fiscal year 2013 funds will be used for Race to the Top—Early Learning Challenge grants, which will offer additional opportunities to States for enhancing early care and education. (Once the language is public and we have a chance to read it, we will let you know what “significant portion” means).

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