Saturday, March 10, 2012


Why are relationships important? Since the creation of time, relationships have been the core foundation for family and security for past generations. Even today people continue to embrace these meaningful partnerships as they provide a sense of identity, happiness and fulfillment.
On the other hand, although relationships were designed to bring about healthy and positive developments for an individual's growth if it is treated with contempt or disregard it could become very detrimental to one's physical and mental well being!
As an individual myself that has been plagued with many unsuccessful relationships; my life's experiences have thought me that in some cases my relationship was worth fighting for in comparison to others.
Who wouldn't want to stand by the person they love despite all the challenges and hardships that are sure to follow. And that is why I say to those who are struggling continue to fight for what you believe in and for the person you want to be with.
Building a healthy relationship takes a lot of hard work especially when you are a young couple struggling with the daily issues of life. There are so many factors that contribute to the destruction of a relationship, and if you and your partner aren't prepared for these challenges you could easily lose your way!
Standing firm in love or to your commitments builds character and strength within your relationship! And as you mature with your partner, the challenges you had faced and overcame would be recognized as a badge of honor for your success.
So when the road gets rough and you find yourself stuck remember to stay focus as you envision yourself benefiting from being victorious rather than giving up due to the temporary storms that are sure to come along the way!


  1. Gloria,
    I enjoyed reading your post. I find your words both helpful and comforting. I feel like I am able to call you a 'friend' not only a colleague. Thanks for sharing and putting the effort into the lives of children .

  2. I agree with you that relationships take a lot of hard work and effort. I like your advice that when you find yourself stuck remember to stay focused a not to give up due to temporary storms. How true that bumps in the road are temporary. With strong relationships in place, support will help push you through.

    1. Thank you for your post, Gloria. It is difficult to weather the storm in a good or bad relationship. In the classroom, I have to develop a relationship with my children and their caregivers. Hopefully, these relationships will help to create a strong bond so that learning/teaching becomes second nature.

    2. Nancy, it will. Just remember that the children need us to build these bonds and relationship as many as we can, and a little at a time.
