Sunday, December 9, 2012

Adjourning from a Group

Thinking back to when I was a manager with one of the biggest convenience store chains here in the delta. I started with this company as a store clerk, and within a six month period I was made an assistant manager. Six months later I was moved into a managerial position.One year after that I was supervising seven convenience stores with five deli units inside of the convenience store with about 70 to 80 employees that I supervise.
When I was promoted to the supervisory position, my hardest adjournment was to leave the co-worker whom I had work with for two years, and had form very good working relationship with them. There was ten of us whom we all worked as one group who made sure that our store was always on top. Each one of us knew what our particular role were as to maintaining a good atmosphere for our customers, and nice and clean place to shop. When I was ready to leave and take on my other responsibilities, we all shared a potluck dinner to say our goodbyes. The laughter and the memories of the past two years brought some of us to tears, as we remember certain moments and things that happen during the two years period we had worked together.

They way that I imagine that I will adjourn from my colleagues, is that I will post my thoughts and best wishes for my colleagues. I will want to keep in touch with everyone, so I will ask for email address, and hope to keep in touch with them through our work in the Early Childhood Field.

Adjourning is very important because this is where you get to say your goodbyes or not. Some group members may want to keep in touch even if they are no longer  associated with other.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gloria, Sounds like a wonderful experience. It is hard to leave a group that has that chemistry of working well together. Knowing your responsibility and how to effectively implement it to enhance the group is true teamwork. Some people would die for one day of that where they work. Aren’t you afraid that you will not find that type of connection and teamwork that father you go up in management? I am battling making a decision to stay in my present position where I am or applying to move forward to the unknown. I love where I am in my job and life; even though, I want to advance to positions that can really help me accomplish personal goals. I guess I’m not ready to move yet.
