Sunday, November 25, 2012

Evaluating My Own Communication Styles

Evaluating My Own Communication Styles

The one thing that surprised me the most in evaluating myself, is that in Communicating Anxiety Inventory, is that I showed a very high score. That revealed that I have very high anxiety when communicating which will present problem for me when I attempt to influence others. I do not agree with that because I work with families not to influence them but to help them to overcome obstacles in their pathway to success.

The two that I want to share with my colleagues are my verbal and listening skills.

My Verbal Aggressiveness Inventory showed that I will never engage in personal attacks, even when wanting to influence others to my point of view. Working in the early childhood field you have to be respectful to others and their feeling. In my professional and personal life I try to maintain balance between respect and consideration for others thoughts, and to argue fairly by attaching the facts of a position other than the person holding that position.

The Listening Style Profile showed me that I am people-oriented, where I am very concerned with people emotions; action-oriented that I am business like and prefer to be clear to the point; content-oriented I need to have all information before making a decision.

This was a very good learning experience for me because I learned some things that are true and some that I do not agree with.  And the two people that evaluated me came very close to my own evaluation.

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