Saturday, October 27, 2012

Professionals Hope and Goals

Professionals Hope and Goals

One hope that I would have about working with children and their families who comes from diverse backgrounds is that, schools have to meet the challenge of educating children with diverse needs. Teachers must embrace instruction and curricula that engage and encourage all students to learn. Teachers must treat all children from multicultural backgrounds, children from homes in which English is not the primary language, and children with disabilities as equal as other children. Teachers must use an inclusive curriculum that emphasizes children's strengths yet accommodates their needs, as well as high expectations for all students. There must be appropriate physical activities and materials for the students to use, and have collaboration and instructional teaming with other teachers and professionals, as well as support from administrators, families, and the community, and ongoing professional development.

One goal that I would like to set forth that would be related to diversity, equity, and social justice. For all professionals who work with diverse children in a diverse classroom to use an inclusive curriculum that emphasizes the strengths but accommodates the needs of all children, including children with disabilities or developmental delayed children, children who are at risk, children from various minority groups and cultures, and children with limited English skills. Also teachers in diverse classrooms require ongoing and professional development to remain in touch with current research. Schools should ensure that all early childhood educators meet recommended staff qualifications for early childhood programs. Also, educators need to develop a self-awareness of culture and its effects on their beliefs, attitudes, and expectations. School in a multicultural society should require educators to develop knowledge and skills relating to culturally sensitive interaction and assessment. I would want all staff to have formal training in child development. If the diverse early childhood classroom offers the teacher numerous challenges, it also offers great opportunities: to help children develop positive attitudes toward others who are different from themselves and to enable children with diverse needs to achieve all they are capable of achieving.

I would like to thank all of my colleagues for their insights and thoughts throughout the past weeks. I have enjoyed reading your blogs and comments as well. Wish each and every one of you the best in the coming weeks as we work toward our finally few classes. Good Luck to you all.

Thank God, who is the head my life for watching over me in the last two weeks. I had some test ran where there was a biopsy done that we thought could have been cancer. But the test came back this week and everything was negative. I had not share this because I do not like sharing bad news, but everything seems to be good now.



1 comment:

  1. Gloria,
    You have mentioned great goals for the early childhood field. I agree with you on the importance of empowering early childhood educators with knowledge through professional development. I wish you the best throughout the rest of your journey. Congratulations on the good news, may God keep you and your family in the best of health.
