Saturday, March 24, 2012

"MY CONNECTIONS TO PLAY"  Lite Brite                                   

If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders".
"If you want your children to improve, let them overhear the nice things you say about them to others".
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When I were young there was'nt to many toys in my family. We had about one toy at christmastine andmaybe one through the year. My brotheres, sisters and myself we was happy just going outside and playing with sticks and old bicycle tires, or playing games like "ring around the roses, and little sally walker". And our parents alway told us to play together and to play fair.

Outside play is difference today because today there is playgrounds every where. There was only some schools that had playgrounds. But the majority did not. My hope for todays children is that they play until their little hearts desire, because play help with the development of the child social, emotional cognitive skills and so far.

It is always exciting to watch the change in play among children. Childeren wakes up in the morning with an idea of play. When children are happy at play there is a happiness all around. We have to help children to continue to play , because the more play they gets the smarter and active in school they will be.



  1. Gloria, I enjoyed your connection to play. I like how you said that today there are many playgrounds. In a small town where I live called Moreno Valley there are parks on almost every block in the nice neighborhoods, but there are no children.

    The crime rate is very high and young adults can go to high school pass the age of 21. I enjoy the old way of playing like riding your bike and singing songs in a group.

  2. Hi Gloria,
    I enjoyed reading your post. You are the second person that referred to Little Sally Walker. I am not familiar with that. I agree with Nancy there are so many playgrounds in our neighborhood but there are never any children on them. It is sad to see. Hopefully this will change one day.

  3. Hi Gloria,
    Good point about the playground access. Many children still suffer from the lack of a substantial, safe, and stimulating playground in their neighborhood. And actually, a new playground being built in Far Rockaway (a city in Queens, NY) was damaged and destroyed by vandals. It's almost like they just don't want the urban areas to have anything to help their children succeed.

  4. Gloria thanks for the memories of little sally walker, I totally forgot about that game. And the light brite was one of my favarite.
